Saturday 14 March 2015

Tan Sri Tony Fernandes

Tan Sri Tony Fernandes

Name: Tan Sri Tony Fernandes
Age: 51 years
Date of birth: 30 April 1964
Origin: Kuala Lumpur
Position: Founder and Chairman of Air Asia

The reasons I chose this entrepreneur:

 I chose Tan Sri because life story or experience Tan Sri exciting. Tan Sri using RM 1 to fetch airlines owe a lot and have a bad record. At the time, many experts consider the business plan Tan Sri offering a low ticket price (low cost) is not successful business and income. But, Tan Sri not assumptions given by experts and advanced the concept Tan Sri who want to help those who cannot afford to buy an expensive plane ticket. In addition, Tan Sri does not have any qualification about flight but he brave to take risk. Finally, Tan Sri has fulfilled a dream that everyone can fly now (Now everyone can fly).            


As a boy he often followed his mother, a petty scale, to dealers based events tupperware. In the age of 13, he continued his studies in England in 1977 and later graduated at London School of Economics in 1987.
He began her career at Virgin Atlantic nature as an auditor, then as financial controller at a company owned by Richard Branson, the Virgin Record until 1989.
Upon returning to Malaysia, he was appointed as managing director of Warner Music (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. During his stint at the company successfully trigger a 'revolution' in ethnic music, nasyid and pop into the mainstream music scene. He served in this group from 1992 until 2001, finally held the position of vice president of the group for the Southeast Asian region.
Air Asia
What is especially interesting about the biography Dato' Tony is his involvement as a prime mover in the establishment and operation of Air Asia, low cost airline of the most successful in Asia. Starting with two Boeing 737 aircraft are obsolete when they owned the government, now led group Air Asia Tony Fernandes since 2001 has advanced from step to step until now has 62 aircraft in service and 277 more on order. After all this aircraft in operation, this may make Air Asia airline group as the group that the biggest low-cost carrier in the world.
Air Asia group is now served by the 142 routes and 78 destinations with a total of 400 flights per day in Asia, and also to Australia and Europe. In 2011, Air Asia has flown a total of 30 million passengers from various countries.

Tony Fernandes Identity
Extraordinary success usually produced by someone who also has tremendous personal help in every step of the way. First and foremost is much enthusiasm for dealing with the need to encourage a person towards it. Inside Tony Fernandes, he was much influenced by his mother who was active in selling tupperware to faraway places. For Tony, his mother was a woman of remarkable because of its exceptional ability in selling goods to anyone. Thus he learned a lot from her mother who turns personal so important when facing the business environment.
His father, Dr. Stephen Edward Fernandes, otherwise very different from her mother's personal. Dr. Fernandes has a clinic, but without the benefit of being too generous to each patient so often provide services and medicines. Tony really was not enamored with the way his father in business.
At a glance there have indeed similar characteristics between Tony with his father. If his father gave privileges to poor patients, Tony also focus on people who are less able to buy regular tickets. But the difference, if his father with the aim of helping patients reduce their burden, thus sacrificing profit, Tonya also help people who can not afford to buy a plane ticket, but he remains bound by the principles of sustainable business and profit basis (sustainable).
His ability to communicate, influence people and a strong spirit is very impressive and is a feature inherited from his mother. In addition, school days in a very young age (13 years old) at a boarding school in England, also have a profound impact on his personality. There, away from their families and hometowns, forming the core of his personal, especially the ability to communicate and be independent in any environment.
His mother died when Tony was only 15 years old died a deep impression on him. It left a void in your life and help shape the gritty personal and self-reliant anywhere.

If viewed from the angle of inclination of entrepreneurs to take risks, Tony is a very extreme example. He was a hyperactive seems so focused in what he was interested in, so is willing to pawn everything he had, although still far from adequate as the capital of the company. Maybe this is not a strange thing, if that's of interest to ordinary goals, but to have an airline's certainly not something in expectation for someone who does not have sufficient capital and only armed with enthusiasm and resilience.
Although this is not accurate to state that Tony behave reckless in making a judgment because he remains concerned about profit. In fact, he was very confident about the potential for high growth in the aviation industry in Asia before venturing into the sector.
To ensure success, his attitude that focuses on a particular project is a great feature and can help reduce the risk. He said, "I'm not someone who likes to begin twenty three things and then expect to be successful. I am more interested in starting two or three and specify it succeeds, then perform operations further efforts ". The usual attitude we see there on such a prominent entrepreneur Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar, Transformers, Tan Sri Azman Hashim, Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow in our homeland and entrepreneur entrepreneur as founder of Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Ford Motor Company, Honda Motors and many again in the global arena.
How Tony face barriers
Ability to communicate arising from personalities who have high self-confidence, which in coaching while studying and working in England and in Kuala Lumpur. He also showed minimal ego attitude and willing to forgive and forget that allows him to consider his best to make the company a time. For example, in dealing with the Government of Singapore to get permission to land there he was confronted with resistance by the protracted resistance, which usually dampen the spirit of ordinary people. Even though he can still interact with the Singapore government officers serving well, while assuming seconds seconds bitter traveled only as a challenge in developing the routes of Air Asia. Air Asia now hold 26 round trip flights from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore a day.
Before that, he passed the first challenge arises from the attitude of the Malaysian business community itself that cynical attitude toward his plan to set up the airline. This Article does not dampen his enthusiasm, even faster, by Dato 'Pahamin Rajab, the youth managed to convince Tun Mahathir, the Prime Minister, to approve his plan, start by taking over airline Air Asia, a company failed and owned real by the government.
After a successful start with the company Air Asia, he shifted the focus to make the Subang Airport as a hub for low-cost carrier in the Asean region. He knew this was a very difficult thing for the country received government should strengthen the position of KLIA recently completed then. But Tony never takes no for an answer. He uses mass media to influence society and government. Finally the government insists reject the proposal Air Asia in the national interest, but in this process Tony managed to get a new air routes is also getting a new LCCT at KLIA with discounted tariff rates. It helps strengthen the competitiveness of Air Asia when dealing with Malaysia Airlines and other airlines.
Likewise, Tony also face challenges in getting landing rights airport Bangkok, Jakarta, Hong Kong and more either in Europe or other continents or continent. However, experience in Singapore which seems most challenging.
According to the book The Air Asia Story written by Sen Ze and Jayne Ng, for Tony, the quality of an entrepreneur's most important is perseverance or in English was willing to never take no for an answer. For Tony, "Hold fast to your beliefs. If you are listening to other people, you may not be able to start something. That's why they do not become entrepreneurs. People who given advice that is not an entrepreneur.  If not, then certainly they conduct themselves. We just need to believe and do it.
Finally, you do not forget the role of education in helping Tony in the success of his career. He is a Fellow Member of the Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants (ACCA) and graduated from the London School of Economics
HOW TO START EARLY HISTORY AirAsia - Interview with Tan Sri Tony Fernandes
We start local music, with Jamal Abdillah, Salem, and Zainal Abidin, I am familiar with Roslan Aziz and Roslan Jamaluddin introduce me to.
Until one day I was tired of working with strangers, I thought to go to the airlines, and Kamarudin are people who do not laugh at my idea.
He was involved with the financial world. So tell me, can go looking for RM20 million, we would need.
When there is no cell phone, you need to use a public phone, my phone mother asked, can I return term holidays, my mother said, not because (tickets) are too expensive.
From that moment, I thought, one day need to create low-cost, it was always there in my mind.
My mother when young start Tupperware business in Malaysia, many of my staff now my mother is a former employee.
I always follow him fly hither and thither for business, so the concept of low cost flights always playing in mind.
When I retired from Warner Music, I sit at the bar and see ads Easyjet (cheap airline England) and I thought wow, this is great idea.
Then I went to the airport, Luton, very in, can fly to Barcelona increased eight-pound, 10 pound to Paris.
I found Kamarudin and tell to go to the airline, he got the word 'stupid' or something like that, he said okay.
We found, I explained to him, he said, okay, I join, and then asked, whether I want to use my own money, I said yes, she said okay, I agree we divide 50-50, I say this I divide my idea 51, he said okay. Done.
Then I asked Aziz Bakar join us, the three of us with a capital of RM 1 million, (Aziz put the money). We started to sit down and start doing business plan.
It is somewhat surprising because we all do not have any experience in the world of aviation. We can from the internet.
Then, we met with Datuk Pahamin (Ab Rajab) (former Director General of Road Transport Jabatah) we've removed the pirated work when I was in the entertainment industry.
found (three) and Roti Canai, then Aziz opening story, "eh, how we want to be able to license cost? "We all looked at each other," Well, how do I get verbal flight .. "certainly can not be bought in stores ... kah kah kah (laughs)
Then Tina said, "We need political support," we looked at each other again ... we did not know anyone ... kah kah kah
We then went out to meet Datuk Pahamin, explain to him, he liked the idea and agreed, he has experience in the Ministry of Transport, the question arises if a license, he said, we need to see the Prime Minister Dr Mahathir.
June 2001, the three of us I, Aziz and Pahamin, Kamarudin could not join.
I arrived early, when it arrived, the fence was not yet open, not much later, when we could get in, we sat down to wait until someone comes, they know Aziz, and asked "Meet PM for piracy?" Kah kah kah
All people know us as people in the entertainment industry, but Aziz said "No
we want to go to the airlines, "" all laugh "kah kah kah.
While we wait, there are employees PM tell, today was not a good day to meet PM, I asked why, he said, the first visit PM that day is with the opposition.
It concerns the issue of back pain when Anwar Ibrahim was arrested, the present conference PM including opposition leader Datuk Fadzil Noor.
I was silent, then told, the two PM appointment that day was with MAS, well-equipped, first the opposition and then with MAS, you imagine ... kah kah kah (laughs)
I thought to rewrite CV and went to BMG Music ... hahaha
When he entered the office of PM, a vast area, Dr Mahathir you know, he's a serious man, and kept saying, "I'm sick, make it fast,".
I thought, at first the opposition, then MAS and now PM says he is not healthy. Hahaha, complete.
I think sooner, I'm not talking about our proposal again, on the contrary, as people from the entertainment industry, I give PM a CD album SM Salim and Ronson, recording my last, I know PM SM Salim fans.
When missing awkward, I present a new proposal I, Dr Mahathir did not say anything, he just smiled a little when I joked about Singapore, but in the end, we were all surprised, because the PM knows all about low cost carriers.

PM says he likes to see our commitment, despite our backgrounds instead of the aviation industry, but we showed kesunguhan, and he is sure to be successful.
PM finally said, "I have no problem with the idea of ​​you ..." we're all excited about her comments for half a minute, and then he said "But ... you have to take over the existing airlines, there are two airlines that fail, you have to take over existing ... "
The meeting ended, we went out and think, there's a million of money only, like where to buy airline, but I'm positive.
We went to the Rainbow Water, a wholly owned subsidiary Rajasthan government, but we find it hard to overhaul the company.
Somehow, one day I was playing golf I look old friends DRB Hicom, I thought about Air Asia belong to them, I asked him, he's about all, "you want to buy it? Tomorrow we shall not want ... "
Then we set up a meeting with the top management of DRB Hicom, consistent, they want to sell it, they asked me how I wanted to buy, I'm joking RM1, yes they said tomorrow you can take over.
(Note: When the Air Asia there Siwalette debt RM40 million, with two aircraft and 254 employees)
We agree and sign the agreement on September 8, 2001, 10 years ago.
We have no capital, and Kamaruddin I pledged our house on the bank to find capital.
DRB Hicom helped us a lot in its initial stage, I have to declare it.
We actually syariah airline. We are the only airline that does not sell alcohol in the region.
(Ahmad Faizul) was among the earliest join us. He made all sorts of tasks, cabin crew manager and others. He of MAS, now he guards my communication.
He batches to eight, one of the seven original staff when co-DRB Hicom again, he is the eighth, and now we have 127 batches in the past ten years.
I want to emphasize that we 1Malaysia company from the outset, and we also procured, this is not Ali-baba, Kamaruddin, Datuk Aziz Bakar and Pahamin is an active shareholder and our friends.
If you see Gurus Senior Air Asia you'll find many natives, but never think before, and we are not talking about people here, all rated for each merit.
The majority of staff are indigenous. Distribution task was easy, Kamarudin keep financial and corporate PR Aziz Bakar guard, and I keep marketing and operations.
Because before it difficult to use the service cost (expensive). People who fight for us. Actually the first person to help us in terms of media is Rocky Bru (Ahtirudin Atan) and NST.
He is the editor Malay Mail, I sat down with him, and he helped a lot, too Utusan and Berita Harian, Datuk Manja Ismail. Aziz Bakar know them all.
MAS needs to build its brand. Taja golf or whatever, Emirates is everywhere. You cut costs here and there, and eventually you no profit, no profit.
Malaysian companies are less concerned with the development of the brand, we instead, I went to the English Premier League, presented to them why it is necessary to support Malaysian companies.
This is because Malaysians have been watching the Premier League since 60 years ago.
Building a brand is very important for the companies that want to grow, when we sponsored the MU, me and Kamarudin to Old Trafford, we do not watch the game, we watched the billboards ... hahaha wow Air Asia .. haha.
We carried our in-flight MU team. That's the first time all the players want to participate in a joint program sponsors, because what? Because there are 25 beautiful girls (cabin crew Air Asia) who serve them throughout flight.
As a prelude 2011, I chose to write about the brand business of our own country, which has become a global brand in less than 9 years of low-cost airline AirAsia.
In 2001, the company was valued at only RM1.00, saddled with debts of RM40 million, has only two used Boeing 737-300 aircraft, flying only to one destination, carry 250,000 passengers a year and has only 250 employees.
But after 9 years, AirAsia worth over $ 4 billion, a profit of RM549 million, has over 85 Airbus A320 and A330, flying straight through more than 130 routes to 70 destinations worldwide, flown over 20 million passengers a year and now has more than 8,000 workers in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.
And what is more interesting is she a rival company's other major international airlines that have long operated as Malaysia Airlines System (MAS), Singapore Airlines (SIA) and Cathay Pacific.
When its founder, Dato 'Seri Tony Fernandes, announced his dream to launch the first low-cost carrier in the region, many are cynical and do not believe in their dreams.
 But after nine years, he proved that nothing is impossible in this world and what is more interesting, low-cost service business modules AirAsia to join rivals such as establishing fireflyz MAS, SIA establishing Tiger Airways and Qantas Airways to establish Jetstar Airways .
What is the secret of success adopted by Dato 'Seri Tony Fernandes AirAsia to successfully put on stage now? Is it solely because of cheap cost? Or because of the attractiveness of the uniformed stewardess stewardess-red?
An answer, no secret, there was just the right business strategies used by AirAsia. AirAsia's business strategy is not only limited to marketing strategy and poduk alone, but it covers all aspects of business management.
Among them effective workforce management. AirAsia employees called for AirAsia AllStars as major factors contributing to its success is the role played by employees.
Notwithstanding any aircraft or as sophisticated computing systems operations used by AirAsia and it will not mean anything if no employees are driving it. Because it AirAsia proudly declares on its website as follows:
"Our people are our GREATEST ASSET. They make all the differences in the world. Our DRIVING FORCE has always been our people. From our humble beginnings to the present family size of 8,000 people, we stand united and SHARE one common culture. "
To create an effective working team, AirAsia will not only provide appropriate training to its employees even AirAsia took the initiative to set up a Corporate Culture Unit which is responsible for implementing the values ​​and practices of the company to all employees.
Among other strategies is AirAsia ensure effective cost management. This is because only through effective cost management alone will enable AirAsia continues to offer low-cost fares to its customers.
AirAsia management efficiency in controlling costs as evidenced by its recognition as a low-cost carrier has the world's lowest cost USD0.24 (RM0.82) per seat.
One of AirAsia's unique business strategies is to build relationships with people. Every success, small or large, not only celebrated but touted either on their website or publicized through the media and displayed as a success Malaysians together rather than just the success of AirAsia or Dato 'Seri Tony Fernandes alone.
Even in his blog, Dato 'Seri Tony himself stated:
'As a nation, we must believe that we are capable of doing anything. We can be the best. Our children need to stop viewing height to the icon and individuals from foreign countries such as Manchester United, Ferrari and Steve Jobs. Stop assuming that it's best just come from abroad. We need to begin to believe that as Malaysians, we can. We can compete and be the best in the world. '
For them, this success has not only personal success, but success must be shared among Malaysians because brand AirAsia is a Malaysian brand.
What is interesting about the strategies AirAsia's business is that it is universal. These strategies not only be used by large businesses but also small size and was just starting to take root.
Even in his blog, Dato 'Seri Tony himself stated:
'As a nation, we must believe that we are capable of doing anything. We can be the best. Our children need to stop viewing height to the icon and individuals from foreign countries such as Manchester United, Ferrari and Steve Jobs. Stop assuming that it's best just come from abroad. We need to begin to believe that as Malaysians, we can. We can compete and be the best in the world. '
For them, this success has not only personal success, but success must be shared among Malaysians because brand AirAsia is a Malaysian brand.
What is interesting about the strategies AirAsia's business is that it is universal. These strategies not only be used by large businesses but also small size and was just starting to take root.
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